Thursday, June 20, 2013

To Become A Knight

Lydia has for the past school year referred to her pre-k class as 'Pre-K at Cade's school.'  Not sure why she never really owned up to it and called it her own?  Anyway, as you may not be aware, the Mater Dei mascot is the Knight.  As pre-k students, the kids are called squires, as they are not knights just yet.  And how cute is that?  Squires are actually defined as knights in training.  That is so clever!  Anyway, she finished up waaaaay back in May and along with a graduation, they also had a Knighting ceremony.  Check it out:

The graduates parading onto the stage.

Thursday, June 6, 2013


Summer break was when I was supposed to take advantage of those lazy days of summer and keep up with the blog.  But as all two of you can tell, I've been blog neglecting instead.  Weddings, camps, baseball games, softball games, Pinterest are all pulling at me, taking up all my precious blogging time.

First up, we've got some 'live action' shots from some of Cade's baseball games.  He's having a pretty good season so far.

 Such focus!