Tonight we went to a friend of Cade's birthday party at Gage Park and the Carousel. While Cade was one of only two boys at the party, he managed to survive all the pawing and teasing unleashed by the many smitten girls. (Maybe one of these days Cade will realize the boy to girl ratio in his class is actually to his advantage. Let's just hope it's not any time soon!) Lydia had a blast. She loved sitting at the table with the big girls, coloring and eating. But most of all she loved, loved, LOVED the carousel ride. As most of you are aware, I get terribly motion sick so I was a bit apprehensive about the ride, but I sucked it up for the kiddos and put on a brave face. I rode it not just once, but twice. I know. Crazy, right? That's just how I roll.
The following photos are my photo diary of the evening and how things looked from my perspective at different points during the party.
The following photos are my photo diary of the evening and how things looked from my perspective at different points during the party.
(Note how nice the photo looks while my feet are planted firmly and safely on the ground.)
Cade and Aaron sitting among the sea of girls, pink flamingos, hibiscus flowers and leis.
(Still feeling pretty good.)
She loved playing with these straws. Not sure why it brought her so much joy, but whatever. It kept her in her seat.
Ok, now we see my photography skills starting to wane and my wooziness starting
to kick in. I'm sure anybody else would not have had a problem, but you know me...
This one was taken as the carousel was coming to a stop. My whole world was still spinning, but I managed to keep the camera still long enough to get a half-way decent shot of the joy on Lydia's face while she was riding her camel.
Again, don't remember taking this one...
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