We started off the holiday season with some caroling with Cade's cub scout pack at a few nursing homes.
Training to be a Jedi at a friend's birthday party.
Much he learned. Strong the force was with this one.
Yep. That's The Edge, sitting right in the living room at our Christmas get together!
Even better than the real thing...
(you're singing it now, too, aren't you?)
Marshmallows for the marshmallow shooter. Pretty sure we left more than half of them under and in all their couches.
More evidence that Santa was here.
Note the hodge-podge assortment of Christmas-themed items left for
Santa's perusal. Not exactly sure how the fake thumb qualified.
Yes, those are the decorations from Lydia's birthday party. She was adamant that they stay up. Really. When they finally came down (and yes, they are down now), she was NOT happy.
'Why, yes. As a matter of fact, I DO walk around the house everyday in my princess apron. Don't you?'
We left Topeka the Wednesday before Christmas to avoid the predicted snow fall that had all the weatherman in the area abuzz. Salina got just an inch or so compared to what awaited us back here in T-town. We couldn't believe the amount of snow that was still on the main streets in town and could only imagine what our neighborhood streets look liked. Our doubts were confirmed the moment we turned into Knollwood. I don't think I've ever seen so much snow since I moved to Topeka more than 15 years ago! We got stuck in our own driveway, people. We couldn't even get up to our house. With a car nearly bulging at the seams with presents, food and personal belongings thrown haphazardly into the car where ever it would fit. Not a good situation. It was dark, cold and none of us were wearing boots. Cade didn't even have socks on! What a great parenting moment that was for me. {eye roll} Rusty managed to get the car unstuck and shoveled a single shovel wide path to our front door. Rusty must have made thirty trips from the bottom of our driveway to our front door unpacking all the stuff we had. It was a crazy sight. Rusty would bring a load up to the front door. I would take it so he wouldn't track in snow, then I would hand it to Cade to take somewhere down the hall so we wouldn't block ourselves out with all the stuff. Sheesh! I'm tired all over again just re-telling it.
Can you see that? It looked like the Banzai Pipeline made its way to completely landlocked, middle America in December.
Must have been caused by the wind blowing the snow over it, I guess. Just weird how it looked.
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