Saturday, January 24, 2009

Lydia's Visit to Petland

She is saying, "Wow!"

She's doing her sign for dog which is panting and she's waving hello to the puppies.

Loving the puppies.

He's such a dog. Oh wait. Moving right along...

Now this is what we came to see...

I love it.


Cade thought this was the best part of the trip. (Yes, that is poo coming out of not one, but two of the goldfish. Gross.)

She was making the fish face the whole time we were in the aquarium area.

This cat was actually asleep upside down. He kept slipping further and further down and I kept watching because I thought how funny would it be to see this cat fall down and get the picture to post on my blog? But then I felt bad and tapped the cage just a bit to wake it up.

Isn't this the CUTEST picture?

Isn't it fun to rediscover everything through your child's eyes? That's what I was thinking on our way home from the pet store tonight. We took Lydia for the first time today and she loved it. From the frisky puppies, the napping kitties, all the fish to the noisy parrots, Lydia couldn't get enough. It's pretty cool being a parent.

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